10 Factors that Affect You Home Insurance Premiums

10 Factors that Affect You Home Insurance Premiums

Many people are paying more for home insurance and never wonder why. Insurance companies consider a lot of factors when finalizing your rate, including regional, historical, and personal factors. Auto Insurance San Diego professionals discuss 10 major factors that affect your home insurance premiums.


Insurance companies keep information on claims across the state and record and calculate every theft, storm, and fire into rates. If your home is located in a neighbor that has a high rate of break-ins and sewer backups, it will be reflected in your insurance rates.

Heating System

If your home involves burning of wood and oil, you may have to pay more as they increase the risk of fire, as opposed to force gas, air, or electric heat.


Form an insurance perspective, modern plastic or copper pipes are generally more desirable than lead or galvanized pipes because the latter is more likely to leak and crack.

Roof’s Age and Warranty

The insurance rate is a result of roof age, warranty, and especially the quality of construction. It is important to remember that most companies will only pay for the depreciated value of your roof, as opposed to the replacement of full value.

Electrical System

Outdated electrical systems with aluminum wiring and knob-and-tube and 50-amp service pose a higher risk of being overload and catching fire. If your home is older than 20 to 30 years, you may need to upgrade to a safer wiring before you buy an insurance policy.

Distance of Water and Fire halls

If your home is close to the firefighting aids like fire halls and hydrants, your insurance rate is likely to be lowered. This because the extent of fire damage can be affected by an extra minute of response time.


If your house has three floors, you may also have more furniture and personal property in it, which can simply mean more things will be rebuilt and replaced after damage done by fire, flood, or storm.


If you run a home-based business, you will have to pay more for insurance to cover office inventory and equipment. Home insurance policies often come with personal liability, therefore, the insurance agencies look for property usage that may seem to present risk, like pools and trampolines.

Claims, Coverage, and Deductibles

If you have a higher deductible, your insurance rate will be lower. A higher deductible can also reduce the number of small claims you can make by keeping your claim history clear. Consequently, this will contributes to keeping the rates down.

Special Discounts

There are a few other ways that can reduce your home insurance premiums. If you have monitoring systems that can detect fire or break-ins, it can generally net discounts. These system can either be locally alarmed or centrally monitored. Some insurance agencies also offer claim-free, mortgage-free, and 50 plus age discounts. Knowing the aspects that can influence your insurance premiums is important. Make sure to discuss every small thing with the insurance agent before buying the policy. If you need trusted services, consider turning to Altra Insurance, San Diego families can count on.
