How to File an Insurance Claim after a Flood

You may feel confused or angry after a major flood strikes your house. An insurer may help you to repair the property damages in an easy way. Altra insurance has discussed a few steps to file an insurance claim. 

Check Your Insurance Policy

Your insurance policy may not cover flood damages. Get your house insured before the flood in your city. Check whether your current insurance policy covers property damages. Any Auto insurance San Diego company can help you provide the right coverage for your house.

Notify Your Insurer

If you are a victim of a flood, then get in touch with your insurance company right away. It may take weeks to process your claim after filing it. It is important to call your insurance agent to receive money for the damages caused by a flood.

Get an Anticipated Time Frame

After filing an insurance claim, ask your agent when will you expect to receive money. The insurance company may not give you a specific date, but may give you an idea about the time frame. This may help you to plan before your insurance agent arrives to take a look at your house. 

Separate Your Property

Sort out the damaged and undamaged property before the insurance agent visits. It can make it easy for the insurance company to check the damages after you separate them. Separating things may help you to prevent further harm to the undamaged items in the house.

Document All Damage

Your insurer may deny even a valid claim if you fail to show proper documentation for the damages. To prevent such situation, take pictures of damaged furniture or electric appliances. Make a list of all the damaged items in the house. 

Prepare an Inventory of Damaged Or Lost Items

Enlist all the damaged or lost items after taking pictures. Describe every damaged item in detail such as the value, date of buying, or mention receipts. If your items have washed away in the flood, then try to memorize and write them down.

Make Temporary Repairs Or Accommodations

It may take many days for the insurer to visit your house and pay for the damages. If your entire neighborhood was a victim of the flood, then it may take several weeks too for your claim to process. Put a little effort to make your house safer for your family to live. 

Prepare for Your Insurer's Visit

Show your adjuster the whole property first, then speak in detail about the damages. Make copies of the list of your damaged items and the pictures you took to give it to your adjuster.

Know When You'll Receive Payment

After the approval of your claim, you will get a compensation for property damages and lost goods. The time frame will vary based on your insurance provider or the policy.
If you are a victim of flood and need a house insurance for future endeavors, then get in touch with us. Altra Insurance is one of the best San Diego auto-insurance.
